The second round of the 10-year anniversary campaign will begin from Nov.1 (Fri) !
DARTSLIVE service has entered its 10th year in October, 2013.
【Play COUNT-UP and score one billion all together around the world!】
Get one billion cumulative points in COUNT-UP with other DARTSLIVE fans across the world!
All participants in COUNT-UP will receive a special 10 year anniversary DARTSLIVE THEME when the total score of one billion is achieved!
■Campaign period
From Nov. 1 (Fri) to Nov.30 (Sat) *Japan time
All COUNT-UP points will start accumulating globally from Nov.1.
■Conditions to obtain the special anniversary THEME
(1) Achievement of the total score of one billion within the campaign period
(2) To play COUNT-UP in the period from Nov.1 to Nov. 30
*THEME can be given after the achievement of one billion
■THEME giveaway
Around 6:30p.m. on Dec. 2(Tue) *Japan time
Something nice may await you in the next month after you get the 10 year anniversary THEME♪
More information will be announced later!