State THEME To Be Released For Each STAGE Of AMERICA'S TOUR 2014
This year’s AMERICA’S TOUR will be providing a State THEME for each of the State to host AMERICA’S TOUR.
Beginning from Texas, Indiana, Washington, Wisconsin, Hawaii (USA) and Ontario, each STAGE will have its own THEME representing itself.
The State THEME can be acquired by registering your Home Shop of DARTSLIVE CARD at each venue of AMERICA’S TOUR.
Anyone who shows up to any stage can receive the THEME, but only limited amount of players can enter AMERICA’S TOUR for the glory! Register today at!
The entry for STAGE 1 Texas is still available at the same time. Below is the current entry list.
Go direclty to the Entry List Page of STAGE 1.
If you haven’t made your entry yet, don’t forget it as the entry will be closed once the participants reaches 128 players.
*Go direclty to the Entry Page of STAGE 1.