DARTSLIVE Fight Club Starts Today!!
DARTSLIVE Fight Club begins today! Make sure you look at the times below for when the fight takes place!
Time Zones
HST 13:00-01:00
AST 14:00-02:00
PST 15:00-03:00
MST 16:00-04:00
CST 17:00-05:00
EST 18:00-06:00
At each specified times, GLOBAL MATCH will be replaced with DARTSLIVE FIGHT CLUB for the duration of the DFC. After each match in the DFC, players can view their RANKING to see where they stand. Once DFC is officially closed, information for the final ranking will be posted on the DFC OFFICIAL WEBPAGE.

The players who ranked in the Top 3 of each DFC night’s Personal Ranking will be rewarded with a DARTSLIVE FIGHT CLUB edition Dog Tag. The players who ranked in the Top 10 will also be rewarded with a DARTSLIVE prize package.
■Participation Prize:
All participants of this campaign will receive a campaign original DARTSLIVE FIGHT CLUB THEME.
■Prizes for Final Ranking:
Accumalated Individual Point Ranking
At the end of DFC #4, the top ranker in the Accumalated Individual Point Ranking will be rewarded with a special prize.
(*prize information will be updated soon)
■Top Division
At the end of DFC #4, The top 5 players in the top Dikvison of the Area Ranking will be rewarded with another special prize. Also, all the players who belong to the Top Division will receive a DARTS LIVE FIGHT CLUB Rich Basic THEME.
( *prizes information will be updated soon)
To get all the information on HOW TO JOIN and RULES, click on the ABOUT DFC/RULES page.
To find out which division you are in, check out the DIVISION page
After DFC is closed, you can go to the PERSONAL RANKING page to see where you stand in the US and also go to the AREA RANKING page to see where you are ranked in your division.