Play TouchLive and Customize Your AWARD MOVIE !
Did you know that there is a way to enhance your DARTSLIVE2 gaming experience even further? You can customize your AWARD MOVIEs!
Super cool AWARD MOVIEs will appear on the screen when shots in the “Awards & Feats” list are achieved to facilitate your dart games.
“AWARD MOVIE” is a special video exclusive to DARTSLIVE2

You can buy AWARD MOVIEs with TouchLive bananas (TouchLive exclusive currency) at AWARD MOVIE SHOP provided in the TouchLive machines.
If you do not have TouchLive bananas, play TouchLive games, get some bananas and purchase AWARD MOVIEs.
You will get 5,000 TouchLive bananas for playing one of the TouchLive games.

You can select and set your AWARD MOVIEs in the TouchLive AWARD MOVIE SHOP.
1. Insert your DARTSLIVE CARD into a TouchLive card slot.
2. Select “DARTS” and go to “AWARD MOVIE SHOP”.
3. Choose the AWARD MOVIEs that are available for the setting.

>>Click here to find locations equipped with TouchLive machines.