Thank you for playing SUPER LEAGUE SEASON I and FIESTA

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What an outstanding event! DARTSLIVE SUPER LEAGUE Season I players from all over North America were under one roof to celebrate darts and compete for the S2 and S4 Division Titles! Over $60,000 in prize money was paid out and players compete to play on the stage.

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DARTSLIVE USA would like to thank everyone that supported us at and away from the event. We greatly appreciate sponsors, operators, spectators, family, and most of all the SUPER LEAGUE players. Without all of you supporting us, none of this would be possible. We hope that we gave back to you with the event you all came to on May 3-5, 2013…SUPER LEAGUE Fiesta!!!


We hope to see everyone at a bigger and better event next year! Be sure to stay tuned on our official Facebook account and official website for videos and pictures from the event! Again, THANK YOU all for playing SUPER LEAGUE with us this year and participating in the FIESTA!

Photo gallery and list of prize winners will be posted very soon, stay tuned!


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