DARTSLIVE Coin will change from Dec 3 (Mon)!

As of Dec 3 (Mon), we will change DARTSLIVE Coin prices, Bonus Coin, and digital content prices.
For more details, please read below.
(1) Price Change of DARTSLIVE Coin (from Monday, December 3)
DARTSLIVE Coin price will change.
【New price】100 Coins: USD 0.99
*Depending on the number of DARTSLIVE Coins purchased, the prices and bonuses also change.
New price (USD)
No. of coins | Tax-included price |
100 (0) | $0.99 |
500 (0) | $4.99 |
1200 (200) | $9.99 |
3000 (500) | $24.99 |
6200 (1200) | $49.99 |
9500 (2000) | $74.99 |
*The number in the brackets is the Bonus Coin for the coins you purchased.
*Coins you currently own will be converted with the new rate when you first log in to the Web Card Page after Dec. 3, 2018.
(2) Change in each Bonus Coin (from Dec 3 (Mon))
Because of the above price change, the number of Bonus Coins you can receive will also change.
<New Bonus Coin Table>
Type | Coins obtained | Frequency |
Login Bonus | 10 | Once a day |
First Play Bonus | 10 | Once in the day you played |
Premium Member Bonus (★) | 300 | Once in a month per account |
*Both Login and First Play Bonuses are available for Standard Members as well.
*Each Bonus Coin can be obtained at “Coin Store” in the Card Page.
(★) New Function: 300 coins will be awarded every month as Premium Member Bonus.
Premium Members can receive 300 Coins as Premium Member Bonus. Enjoy DARTSLIVE services with them!
(3) Price Change of Digital Content (from Dec 3 (Mon))
The prices in DARTSLIVE Coins will also change for the digital content.
DARTSLIVE THEME | Sales Price (Coin) |
Picture THEME | 120 |
Movie THEME | 480 |
App THEME | 800 or 1600 |
AWARD MOVIE | Sales Price (Coin) |
HAT TRICK, TON80 and other | 480 |
*With the price changes of DARTSLIVE Coins and content, and introduction of the Premium Member Bonus (300 Coins), the Premium Membership discount (20%) on THEMES will be no longer available.
*Only Premium Members can participate in our THEME Sale as before.
Moreover, new content for DARTSLIVE Coins will be available! More information will be in the news next week! Don’t miss it!
□DARTSLIVE THEME Sale announcement
We take this opportunity to offer special deals of DARTSLIVE THEMEs!
You can buy THEMEs for 75% off the regular prices. Don’t miss this great opportunity♪(>>More details here)