SUPER 2 Season 6 Registration Open - Submit your entries from now till 18 March 2022!

Finally, the wait is over! SUPER 2 IS BACK!
Grab your buddy/buddies and form a team for this new Season! 

Featuring new Formats! 

■ Min. 2 players, Max. 4 players 

[Teams to note about Standard Operating Procedures] 
■ Individuals must be completely vaccinated 
■ 2 players/team per league night and no mingling between tables is recommended 
■ Face masks on at all time 
■ Adhere to shop’s SOPs in force 
■ Adhere to latest news from 

■ Flights will be separated to play on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
(Players can register for multiple flights)  

Closing Date: 08 March 2022, Tuesday, 6pm
Registration Fee: RM 150 nett

Closing Date: 18 March 2022, Friday, 6pm
Registration Fee: RM 180 nett 

SUPER LEAGUE Season 5 Finals Team is entitled to receive RM 60 Live Credit per player 

■ Form a team of 2 to 4 players;
■ Approach your preferred Home Shop for acceptance;
■ Register and Submit Online by 18 March 2022 

More information regarding the League can be found in the link below:
Registration KitSUPER2 SEASON 6 Registration Kit
Registration HereSUPER2 SEASON 6 Online Form 

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