SUPER SHOP SHOWDOWN SEASON 9 - Registration Open 28 Oct 2019

The annual SUPER SHOP SHOWDOWN is opening registration soon!
With a max rating cap of 34 for the top 4 players, it makes finding teammates much easier. This is the time to win the honour for your home shop that has been supporting you in the past seasons! However, each shop is only allowed 1 team entry, thus if your home shop already has a representing team, fret not! Approach any of the DARTSLIVE outlets to enquire if they have any team to represent them.


- Teams will be drawn randomly to groups of 3 or 4 for round robin.
- Top 2 teams of the RR groupings will progress to SKO
- 01 Rule: Open In / Master Out
- Each player can only play once in each part; no repeat of players in each part
- DARTSLIVE Official League Rules applies

- All entries must be submitted online: Online Registration Form
- Registration opens 28 Oct 2019 12:00pm to 20 Nov 2019 6:00pm
- All registration will be submitted by the SHOP owner or SHOP’s appointed representative
- All players must use DARTSLIVE OFFICIAL LEAGUE card for registration
- Email to for any amendments to team line up