Notice: End of TouchLive Service

Thank you very much for your kind support of our DARTSLIVE Services.
We regret to inform you that the TouchLive service will no longer be available. End Date: Sun 1 Oct, 2023, at 06:30 (Japan Standard Time).
We have been providing this service since 2006, but we have decided to terminate the service as we have found it difficult to provide a satisfactory service to our customers in the future due to the aging of the machines. With the termination of the TouchLive service, the associated MAHJONG LIVE and TouchLive card pages for users will also be terminated at the same time.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our customers who enjoyed this service and thank you for your understanding on this matter.
■End Date of Online Service: Sun 1 Oct, 2023, at 06:30 (Japan Standard Time).
We would like to thank our many customers for their patronage since the start of our service. We hope that you will continue to support our DARTSLIVE Services.