BULL COUNTER Facebook Campaign
What state are you from? Do you think your state hits the most bulls eyes? Well here you go! See where your state compares to all of the other states with DARTSLIVE boards. Right now the State of Washington leads the total bulls hit race and Indiana leads the average bulls eyes hit per location.
This is for bragging rights people! Go to your nearest DARTSLIVE location and add some bulls eyes to your state’s total! Who will be in the lead by the end of the month?
Right now >the total World BULL COUNTER is over 27,000,000. Let’s keep hitting Bulls and adding the World total.
Remember visit our Facebook Page and guess how many Bulls eyes will be hit by the entire World in one month. Guesses must be submitted by October 27th in order to count. The winner will get a DARTSLIVE gift package including a special USB, 2 DARTSLIVE DVDs, and a DARTSLIVE Towel. If you guess the exact number you will receive all of the above plus a Grand Prize DARTSLIVE 100S Home Dart Board!!
The Guess must go on the Official campaign post on our Facebook Page in order to be counted. So visit us by going directly from this link or scanning this QR Code below.