August "Heat It UP" COUNT-UP Campaign Results!
Extra Extra read all about it!!
The results are in! If you played Count-Up in August you were eligible for some great prizes! Thanks to Bottelsen Darts, the GRAND PRIZE heavy weight darts will be in one lucky winner’s hands from each country. (USA and Canada) There are also some great DARTSLIVE prizes that the prize winners will receive.
Players that ranked 3rd, 33rd, 63rd, and 93rd in the NATIONAL Count-Up Ranking won a fabulous prize. Also one MYSTERY NUMBER winner won a DARTSLIVE 100-S home dart board, just for playing Count-Up!! Great Job to all of our prize winners!
If you are one of these players then a prize will be sent to your local operator!
Congratulations! Be sure to check out our official Facebook page for pictures of your prize winners!
You can also visit our RANKING page at this link to see where you ranked!